
Digital Marketing- A definitive Guide


Digital Marketing is a new era of marketing. It’s a wide concept and it has wide branches. As digital marketing expands, people are investing billions and billions of money in digital marketing or online marketing, or internet marketing. According to some resources, companies are investing more than a 140billion dollars in internet marketing. As it’s a wide concept, let us dig deep into the digital marketing concept. In this guide, we will see,

  1. What is Digital Marketing?
  2. Process of Digital Marketing
  3. Advantages and disadvantages of Digital Marketing
  4. Branches/Types of Digital Marketing
  5. Conclusion

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is a new era of marketing that uses the internet and various new technologies to market services and goods. This started evolving in the last 30 decades. Marketing ads, marketing campaigns, promotions, ads, sales, that appear on computers, tablets, the internet, mobile phone, the laptop is digital marketing.

Digital marketing is the act of promoting brands using the internet to connect with target customers. We can even say digital marketing is a gift from the internet as it helps in reaching millions and millions of customers, and audiences online. Many many and many companies started going online just to mark their business globally. In fact, many people started businesses online without any physical place or product. Just an internet connection and a desktop are enough to start, run and win in digital marketing.

Process of Digital Marketing

To achieve digital marketing there are 5 steps that should be followed. This can be used to market any product or service on the internet.

  1. Research.Researching is a very crucial and basic step for digital marketing. You’ve to research your target audience, your competitor, market, competition, etc., This stage of digital marketing is also called digital marketing research.
  2. Create. After collecting all the required information about your market, audience, etc., you’ve to create your objectives, goals, strategy, plan, etc.,
  3. Promote.As you created your goals, plans, and strategy, you should promote your marketing agency or product, or service. You can promote it by using the website, social media, network, email, message, etc.,
  4. Analyze.After researching, creating, and promoting, it’s time to analyze and check your work. Google Analytics is the best platform for analyzing your performance. The major sections of google analytics are the audience, acquisition, behavior, and conversion.
  5. Optimize.And it’s time to start making changes and modifications. After analyzing your work, you have to do changes and optimize it.

Advantages and disadvantages of Digital Marketing


Digital marketing gives access and equal benefit to all businesses, no matter it’s an individual or a small scale or large scale or middle scale. It gives benefits to all those who use it properly and strategically and consistently. The below are some of the pros of digital marketing.

  1. Social media, the website allows your business to reach globally.
  2. You don't have to spend tons of money to set up digital marketing. You just need the internet and a desktop. So money won’t be a big issue here.
  3. You will get the opportunity to closely notice your target customer and also you can also notice your leads.
  4. It is easy to engage with your customer. You can speak to them, you can engage with them and you can even ask them what you are expecting and what they want. So it is easy for you to create products according to your ideal customer.
  5. It increases the number of loyal customers. Ok, how is that? It's a simple theory, that is if you know what your customer is expecting, what they are doing, and if you talk to them closely, then they can't betray you. So eventually your consumer’s loyalty increases.
  6. You can easily measure your result. You can easily get to know where you are getting more profit, etc.,
  7. You can easily achieve brand credibility through internet marketing. While clearing doubts and educating people via social media posts and website and blog content, it’s easy for you to attain brand credibility.
  8. The scope to earn money in digital is so very high. You can earn through merchandise, google ads, paid promotion, youtube ads, premium email subscribers and the list goes on.


If we get an advantage from something, then we should absolutely look at disadvantages too. The following are some of the disadvantages of digital marketing.

  1. Your service, your posts can be used for some fraudulent activities. As good peo[le are using the internet, some scammers and spammers are also using it. So we have to be careful.
  2. In the case of digital marketing, one should know how to use that. So the business owner should give him that training about technology.
  3. Due to globalization, competition becomes so hard and tough. You have to work hard to mark your position.
  4. You have to be strong about the testimonials and reviews you get. Sometimes we get good reviews but most people give more bad reviews and you have to be strong enough to agree to that.

Branches of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing has some strong branches which have more scope and value.

  1. Social Media Marketing
  2. Content Marketing
  3. Email Marketing
  4. Search Engine Optimization
  5. Analytics Marketing
  6. Mobile Marketing
  7. Influencer Marketing
  8. Affiliate Marketing
  9. Search Engine Marketing
  10. Pay-Per Click


So we have looked into the details of digital marketing and its types, advantages, and disadvantages. Digital marketing is a big platform to market your business. You will win the market if you are consistent, persistent, hard-working, and strategic. Hope the article helps.

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About Shravan Kumar

Shravan Kumar is a digital designer & certified Adobe instructor, Certified Ethical Hacker and Certified Data science Expert. He has 6+ years experience. He is a Designer & Art director with specialization in the fields of branding, UI/UX Design, design for your social media, packaging design, and related visual communication for your brand as well as a Web Developer.